AIRPORT SECURITY DIRECTOR OC                                                                                                               1,2,3,4,5,6

            AIRPORT SECURITY SUPERVISOR OC                                                                                                          1,2,3,4,5,6

            DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL SAFETY OC                                                                                                               2,7,8,9

            SECURITY DIRECTOR OC                                                                                                                                  1,2,3,4,5,6



1.      ENSURING EFFECTIVE INTER/INTRA AGENCY COMMUNICATIONS-These questions test for understanding of techniques for interacting effectively with individuals and agencies, to educate and inform them about topics of concern, to clarify agency programs or policies, to negotiate conflicts or resolve complaints, and to represent one's agency or program in a manner in keeping with good public relations practices. Questions may also cover interacting with the staff of one's own agency and/or that of other agencies in cooperative efforts of public outreach or service.


2.      PREPARING WRITTEN MATERIAL-These questions test for the ability to present information clearly and accurately, and to organize paragraphs logically and comprehensibly. For some questions, you will be given information in two or three sentences followed by four restatements of the information. You must then choose the best version. For other questions, you will be given paragraphs with their sentences out of order. You must then choose, from four suggestions, the best order for the sentences.


3.      UNDERSTANDING AND INTERPRETING WRITTEN MATERIAL-These questions test for the ability to understand and interpret written material. You will be presented with brief reading passages and will be asked questions about the passages. You should base your answers to the questions only on what is presented in the passages and not on what you may happen to know about the topic.


4.      SAFETY AND SECURITY METHODS AND PROCEDURES-These questions will test for knowledge of the methods and procedures utilized in safety and security. The questions will cover such areas as principles and practices of safety and security precautions in a building or grounds setting, accident prevention, proper response to safety or security related incidents, the investigation of incidents, and the inspection of buildings or grounds for potential safety and/or security problems.


5.      ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNIQUES AND PRACTICES-These questions test for a knowledge of management techniques and practices used in directing or assisting in directing a program component or an organizational segment. Questions cover such areas as interpreting policies, making decisions based on the context of the position in the organization, coordinating programs or projects, communicating with employees or the public, planning employee training, and researching and evaluating areas of concern.


6.      SUPERVISION-These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices employed in planning, organizing, and controlling the activities of a work unit toward predetermined objectives. The concepts covered, usually in a situational question format, include such topics as assigning and reviewing work; evaluating performance; maintaining work standards; motivating and developing subordinates; implementing procedural change; increasing efficiency; and dealing with problems of absenteeism, morale, and discipline.


7.      APPLYING WRITTEN INFORMATION IN A SAFETY AND SECURITY SETTING-These questions evaluate your ability to read, interpret and apply rules, regulations, directives, written narratives and other related material. You will be required to read a set of information and to appropriately apply the information to situations similar to those typically experienced in a public safety and security service setting. All information needed to answer the questions is contained in the rules, regulations, etc. which are cited.


8.      PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF SAFETY AND SECURITY-These questions test for a knowledge of the proper principles and practices in the field of safety and security. The questions will cover such areas as selecting the best course of action to take in a safety or security related situation.


9.      FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS (MAPS)-These questions test your ability to follow physical/geographic directions using street maps or building maps. You will have to read and understand a set of directions and then use them on a simple map.


A Guide for the Written Test for Safety and Security is available at the New York State website: https://www.cs.ny.gov/testing/testguides.cfm.