CHIEF WATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR (TYPE 1B) OC                                                                     1,2,3,4,5

       DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS (SEWER DISTRICT) OC & PR                                                                               1,4,5,6,7

       OPERATIONS CREW CHIEF (WASTEWATER TREATMENT) OC & PR                                                         1,4,6,7,8

       SENIOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR (2) OC & PR                                                      1,6,7,8,9

       SENIOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR (3A) OC & PR                                                  1,6,7,8,9

       SENIOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR (TYPE 1B) OC                                                                  1,2,3,8,9

       SENIOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR (TYPE IIB) PR                                 ,                               1,2,3,8,9


1. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PUMPS, VALVES, AND RELATED MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT-These questions test for           knowledge of the principles and procedures involved in the operation, maintenance, and repair of pumps, valves, and related mechanical and electrical equipment, including motors and electric circuitry; and for the ability to identify various types of pumps, valves, and related equipment and understand their functions.


2.PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, AND BACTERIOLOGY AS RELATED TO WATER TREATMENT AND PURIFICATION, INCLUDING LABORATORY AND FIELD TESTS-These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices of water treatment, purification, sampling, and testing, including such areas as the principles of physics, chemistry, and bacteriology involved; terminology associated with water treatment and testing; objectives and principles of various water treatment and testing procedures; measurement, sampling, and preservation of water samples; interpreting test results; and the effects of variables on water treatment processes.


3. PRACTICES AND EQUIPMENT USED IN THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A TYPE B WATER TREATMENT PLANT-These questions test for knowledge of the principles and  practices associated with the operation and maintenance of Type B water treatment plants, including such areas as objectives and purposes of plant processes and equipment; terminology associated with Type  B water treatment plants; conditions and situations encountered in Type B water treatment plants, including safety concerns; water disinfection and dosing; and equipment and materials used in Type B water treatment plants. Some questions may involve basic arithmetic calculations.


4.PUMPING OPERATIONS AND RELATED ARITHMETIC COMPUTATIONS-These questions test for knowledge of pumping operations, including such areas as terminology and basic principles associated with pumps and pumping operations; instruments and equipment used in pumping operations, including various types of pumps and their components; troubleshooting pumping problems and developing solutions; pump inspection and maintenance; and the ability to perform basic arithmetic calculations associated with pumping operations.


5. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISION-These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices involved in directing the activities of a large subordinate staff, including subordinate supervisors. Questions relate to the personal interactions between an upper level supervisor and their subordinate supervisors in the accomplishment of objectives. These questions cover such areas as assigning work to and coordinating the activities of several units, establishing and guiding staff development programs, evaluating the performance of subordinate supervisors, and maintaining relationships with other organizational sections.


  6. PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, AND BACTERIOLOGY RELATED TO WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL, INCLUDING LABORATORY AND FIELD TESTS FOR PLANT OPERATIONS-These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices of wastewater treatment, disposal, and testing, including such areas as the principles of physics, chemistry, and bacteriology involved; terminology associated with wastewater treatment and testing; operating principles of the equipment and procedures used in wastewater treatment; measurements and measuring devices used; sampling and testing wastewater and interpreting the results; and identification and characteristics of chemicals and bacteria involved in wastewater plant operations and testing. Some questions may involve basic arithmetic calculations.


7.PRACTICES AND EQUIPMENT USED IN THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A TYPE A WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT-These   questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices associated with the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants employing the activated sludge process or its modifications (Type A plants), including such areas as objectives of plant processes, techniques, and equipment; terminology associated with Type A wastewater treatment plants; conditions and situations encountered in Type A wastewater treatment plants; plant safety and monitoring; and equipment and materials used in Type A wastewater treatment plants. Some questions may involve basic arithmetic calculations.


8. SUPERVISION-These questions test for knowledge of the principles and practices employed in planning, organizing, and controlling the activities of a work unit toward predetermined objectives. The concepts covered, usually in a situational question format, include such topics as assigning and reviewing work; evaluating performance; maintaining work standards; motivating and developing subordinates; implementing procedural change; increasing efficiency; and dealing with problems of absenteeism, morale, and discipline.


9. TOOLS, MECHANICAL APTITUDE, AND READING OF SCALES, METERS, AND GAUGES-These questions test for knowledge of the tools used in water and wastewater treatment plants; the ability to identify various types of tools and their uses; knowledge of general mechanical principles and the operation of various types of mechanical devices such as gears, pulleys, levers, valves, and similar types of mechanical equipment; and the ability to read and interpret information displayed on various types of scales, meters, and gauges.


    The New York State Department of Civil Service has not prepared a test guide for this examination. However, candidates may find information in the publication 'General Guide to Written Tests' helpful in

    preparing for this test. This publication is available on line at: https://www.cs.ny.gov/testing/testguides.cfm.