Suffolk County Department of Social Services

Indigent Burial Assistance Eligibility Wizard


Step 1  Step 2  Step 3  Step 4  Step 5

In order to determine if the decedent may be eligible for Indigent Burial Assistance, please complete the preliminary checklist.

For each question, answer Yes or No

 1.  Was the decedent a permanent Suffolk County resident on the date of death?
If No, did Suffolk County approve the residential placement of the decedent outside Suffolk County?  

If No, did the decedent die in Suffolk County?  

If Yes, did the decedent have an active public assistance case in another NY State County?  

 2.  Have the funeral services already been performed?

 3.  Is the next of kin or legally authorized person claiming that the decedent was indigent with resources less than $1,500?

 4.  Did the decedent die as a result of an automobile accident?

If Yes, will proof of No-Fault insurance denial be submitted?  

 5.  Did the decedent die as a result of a crime?

If Yes, will Crime Victims Compensation Benefits be pursued?  

 6.  Did the decedent die as a result of a work related accident?

If Yes, will proof of Workers' Compensation denial for burial benefits be submitted?  

 7.  Is the decedent a stillborn infant?

If Yes, what is the clinical estimate of gestation?   Weeks   

 8.  Was the decedent incarcerated in a federal or state facility on the date of death?

>  9.  Did the decedent die in a Veterans Affairs hospital?

If Yes, will proof of denial for burial benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs  be submitted?