Suffolk County Civil Service Exam e-FILING
List of Available Exams ( Last Updated 3/10/2025 3:45PM )
SpecTitleLast Filing Date Exam Date Non-Refundable FeeApply For Exam
0221 ACCOUNTANT Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
0220 ACCOUNTANT TRAINEE Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
0902 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Open-competitive 03/12/2504/26/25$40.00
0902 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Promotional 03/12/2504/26/25$40.00
0231 AUDITOR Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
0230 AUDITOR TRAINEE Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
5240 CONSUMER AFFAIRS TECHNICIAN Promotional 03/26/2505/03/25$40.00
2701 DRUG COUNSELOR Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
2700 DRUG COUNSELOR (SPANISH SPEAKING) Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
2670 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN - BASIC Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
2673 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN - CRITICAL CARE Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
2674 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN - PARAMEDIC Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
2284 FORENSIC SCIENTIST III (FIREARMS) Promotional 03/26/2503/26/25$40.00
2641 MEDICAL SERVICES SPECIALIST Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
5183 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Promotional 03/26/2505/03/25$40.00
5183 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Open-competitive 03/26/2505/03/25$40.00
0400 PERSONNEL ANALYST TRAINEE Open-competitive 04/30/2505/31/25$40.00
0027 PRINCIPAL OFFICE ASSISTANT Open-competitive 03/12/2504/26/25$40.00
0027 PRINCIPAL OFFICE ASSISTANT Promotional 03/12/2504/26/25$40.00
2511 PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORKER Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
2020 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE I Continuous Recruitment   $40.00
8155 SCHOOL LUNCH COORDINATOR Open-competitive 03/26/2505/03/25$40.00
8153 SCHOOL LUNCH MANAGER Open-competitive 03/26/2505/03/25$40.00
5177 SENIOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Open-competitive 03/26/2505/03/25$40.00
5177 SENIOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Promotional 03/26/2505/03/25$40.00
3184 TEXTBOOK PROGRAM COORDINATOR Open-competitive 03/26/2505/03/25$40.00
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Civil Service Announcements
  CONTINUOUS RECRUITMENT (CR) - These examinations can be taken by any individual who meets the minimum education
and experience qualifications cited on the examination announcement.

OPEN-COMPETITIVE (OC) – These examinations can be taken by any individual who meets
the minimum education and experience qualifications cited on the examination announcement.

PROMOTIONAL (PR) - These examinations are restricted to current employees who have had the required length of service
in a specified position in a jurisdiction in Suffolk County.

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